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EV SSL Certificate

SSL Secure

What do we mean by SSL Secure
SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer. It is the way a browser on your computer can communicate with our servers so that any data that is transferred is encrypted.

What is encryption?
Encryption is where data will be scrambled in a precise manner, so that it can only be read by someone that holds a key. This means you can send the information through the internet without it being read by anyone you do not want to.

Who is Comodo?
Comodo is a leading SSL certificate provider. They authenticate and can verify that our SSL certificate is valid.

What does this protect you from?
Information like your name and address details entered onto our website cannot be read by anyone whilst it is being transferred. This information is encrypted before it is sent to our servers. This will protect you from identity theft and ensure your information won't be stolen.

How do I know this page is SSL secure?
When visting our site, you should see that the address is https://www.sanza.co.uk rather than http. Internet browsers display slightly differently, but you should always see a padlock icon by the address bar to show that the page is secure.