‘TED’ is a crisp dry lager. Having an extended fermentation period creates its wonderful dry finish. Having fruity and malty notes it is a well balanced beer that leaves a clean refreshing aftertaste.
ABV (Alcohol): 4.6% vol.
Product Information
ABV (Alcohol):
4.6% vol.
Product Weight:
3500g *
Expected Shelf Life:
at least 90 days
- email us to check the best before date of our current stock
* The weight of your order is calculated by adding 5% for any packing material, and then adding the weight of the cardboard box. Depending on the size of your order, a larger/heavier box weight may be added.
Contains Cereals containing gluten.
Customer rating and reviews for Tooheys Extra Dry (6 x 345ml bottles)
By Scott K Whilst backpacking around Oz some years ago, I was introduced to 'Ted' & it instantly became my favourite drink. I was gutted when I came back to the UK & discovered that it wasn't sold here. Then I discovered Sanza & my thirst for this amazing beer can now be quenched again, without spending an absolute fortune just to get there haha.
By Karl Allen I found this beer when I was out in Perth. It's got to be one of the finest alcoholic drinks ever. On a hot day downing an ice cold tooheys is so refreshing. It doesn't bloat you out and it doesn't give me an hangover in the morning 5 stars all round
By Alan Walton On my visit to Oz with a friend we found this beer and it was the best beer that I have ever tasted, Teds is unbelievable, you have to try it. You didn't even have to get out of your vehicle when going through one of the bottle shops, you just asked for a case of Teds they went and got it you paid and drove off simple as that, since being back I have been getting this beer and introduced it to all my friends. Amazing, can`t wait to go back to Oz.
By Pam F We found this beer when visiting our son in Perth, we were not used to the heat and it was the first thing he gave us to drink when we arrived at his place, it very nearly made us refuse to come home. I'm not a beer drinker but this beer when ice cold is something else and I very soon found myself looking forward to a cold beer after a day out.
I was so surprised to find I could buy it here in England, but can't wait to go back out to Oz, to see my son of course.
By gareth lewis after a number of trips to australia, finding a beer that suits the european palate was my nemesis..... until i descovered tooheys extra dry, or as the locals called it TEDs :) this beer is light crisp an very refreshing, and getting it shipped over has become a blessing :)
By Sherri I found this beer in Brisbane whilst I was travelling in Australia and fell in love with it. I never even used to drink beer (being a girl and all). Then my local Outback resturant stocked it and served it in chilled glasses and it took me straight back, I even got my boyfriend to try it and its now his favourite beer - so I bought him this crate of it for his birthday!
I have mine with a splash of lime cordial to take away the edge, its such a refreshing beer for a hot day. It's a light beer, it doesn't make you feel bloated at all and it really quenches the thirst. It's like no other beer I've tasted. If girls like this aswel as guys, then its gotta be something aye!
'Best Before' dates (not to be confused with 'Use By' dates found on products such as fresh meat and fish) are simply a manufacturers guideline concerned to a products quality.
Often companies like Bluebird and Smiths stamp their products with short dates for commercial reasons rather then any accurate reflection of actual food quality.
We find most goods are perfectly good to eat for many months after.
For more information and any legalities clarification visit the Food Standards Agency website.
Note: We check our stock everyday, so if you see the best before date displayed then that is what you should receive.
You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change. Whilst we try to make sure they are accurate as possible, it is not a substitute for you reading the product packaging and label prior to use. Sanza is therefore unable to accept liability for any incorrect information. If you do require precise ingredient information you should should consult the manufacturer, or contact us before purchase and we will try to aid you as much as possible. You should also note that product image above is only for illustrative purposes, as the product packaging can also change from time to time.>
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