Have a look at our Pascall Explorers page to find a Lolly Cake Recipe.
Try this great recipe that goes perfectly with malt biscuits.
Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe
What you will need:
1 packet of Malt biscuits
100g of Butter (melted)
1/2 cup Cornflour
1 1/2 cups Caster Sugar
1 1/2 cups Lemon Juice
1 1/4 cups Water
60g Butter
4 Eggs
2 tsp Lemon Rind
Then follow these steps:
Put the Malt Biscuits into a food processor and blend until like breadcrumbs.
Add 100g butter (melted) and mix.
Press biscuit mixture into a flan tin, refrigerate.
Mix cornflour and ½ C caster sugar in saucepan, gradually stirring in lemon juice and water. Stir on a high heat until boiling and the mixture is thick. Reduce heat and simmer.
Remove from heat and stir in extra butter, egg yolks and lemon rind. Let cool for 10 – 15 minutes.
Spread mixture over biscuit base, cover and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Beat egg whites until soft peaks form, add remaining caster sugar, beating until sugar dissolves.
Spread the meringue mixture over base forming peaks. Bake in the oven until meringue is slightly browned.
Product Information
Product Weight:
253g *
Expected Shelf Life:
at least 90 days
- email us to check the best before date of our current stock
* The weight of your order is calculated by adding 5% for any packing material, and then adding the weight of the cardboard box. Depending on the size of your order, a larger/heavier box weight may be added.
By Livia & Laila Perfect at the top of the party menu list - Lolly cake!
'Best Before' dates (not to be confused with 'Use By' dates found on products such as fresh meat and fish) are simply a manufacturers guideline concerned to a products quality.
Often companies like Bluebird and Smiths stamp their products with short dates for commercial reasons rather then any accurate reflection of actual food quality.
We find most goods are perfectly good to eat for many months after.
For more information and any legalities clarification visit the Food Standards Agency website.
Note: We check our stock everyday, so if you see the best before date displayed then that is what you should receive.
You should note that products and their ingredients are subject to change. Whilst we try to make sure they are accurate as possible, it is not a substitute for you reading the product packaging and label prior to use. Sanza is therefore unable to accept liability for any incorrect information. If you do require precise ingredient information you should should consult the manufacturer, or contact us before purchase and we will try to aid you as much as possible. You should also note that product image above is only for illustrative purposes, as the product packaging can also change from time to time.>
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